How to Create Project in Eclipse

Hi everybody, i'm coming to give you steps how to create project in eclipse. Oke get ready yourself and put your hands up..hehehe

Let's Start to create project in eclipse
1. Firstly make sure all of the apps need was installed. Open Eclipse.
At menu bar, click File>New>Android Application Project. As a pictcure bellow.

new android project

2. After that, give some information as : Application Name, Project Name, and Package Name. Don't forget to set minimum SDK and target SDK. Minimum SDK is Android version where appilcation can for running. Meanwhile, Target SDK is android version where targer for running.Target SDK is usually higher then Minimum SDK.

SDK minimum, target SDK project android
If have finished, click Ok

3. Then we will enter to third part where we will configure our application project. We uncheck all, except the part of Create Activity and Create Project in Workspace.

SDK minimum, target SDK
If have finished, click Ok

4. We choose Blank Activity.

Blank Activity Eclipse Project Anroid Apps 
If have finished, click Ok

5. In this part, we will be ordered to put in Activity name, Layout Activity name and type of navigation
If have finished, click Ok

Oke, if you have finished. The new application has been created. Back to Eclipse and double clicks to Hello World Project. Then will appear structure of the application of Android like a picture bellow.

structure eclipse project

In the picture above we can see main structure folder of application android in eclipse. There are folder src, gen, assets, bin, libs, and res. Especially has a function of a folder, there are:
  • src : is source, has fuction to put files .java that is source code from our application.
  • gen : is generated, consist files is created otomaticly by Android. This files can't edit has fuction to control resource that we have.
  • assets : Consist files that as asset we have, namely: file .txt atau file .html
  • bin : consist binary file
  • libs : consist libraries that we use in my application. Because this simply application, so we just use main library is Android OS versi 2.2.
  • res : is resource, consist files that as resources from our application. Like file layout, picture, mp3 etc. 

At an application Android, there are 3 important files. There are is as gate to acces resources. File AndroidManifest.xml, that consist configure or set up our application. And file Android 2.2 that is main library rom our application. Without 3 files above, therefore our application can't be runned.

Next, Let's we run our Application. Right click in project Hello World. Kemudian pilih Run As > Android Application. 
run eclipse project

An emulator Android, must suit with library we are used is Android 2.2. Then we run, you are waiting few minutes auntil procces booting has finished. If have finished, so this is screenshot of the Hello World Application we are created:

run eclipse project in emulator

Oke, That was your firts project that is created in Eclipse. Explore again your creativity and Good luck! I Hope this post about how to create project in eclipse is useful

1 Response to "How to Create Project in Eclipse"

  1. Launch the Eclipse IDE on your computer. When Eclipse opens, it will prompt you to select a workspace. How Fix Audio A workspace is a directory where your projects will be stored.
