What is Root android device? What Advantages And disadvantages?

What is Root android device? What Advantages And disadvantages to root your android device?

What is Root android device? What Advantages And disadvantages?

The current android users have been very flourishing,  there are millions of people in the world today many who use the Google-owned operating system.

However, even so, there are many people who do not know whether it's root,
when it should be  android phone users should be aware of this, and a lot of people ask if it's root and how to rooting android phone.

Here I am not going to explain to you about how to root andorid device. Here I will share a bit of knowledge about rooting. Start of the function, advantages and disadvantages.
It aims to let you know what you'll get once in root yours android phone, so you also have to know the consequences that come after it in the root your android phone, well let's see.

Definition: Root is a system account (SuperUser / SU) who has absolute power to access and execute all files, command, the system, the Linux-based operating systems (including android). In essence, this root has unlimited access that can change, delete, add, and even destroy all that is in our phone system.

Function: Android root function is to give full rights to the Android users to be able to get into the Android system. By doing Root, users can add, subtract or modify files or data that lies on the Android system that when in the default state (not root) files can not be accessed. If the analogy Windows computer operating system, Android root function is to give administrator privileges to the user.

The advantage has been root the device
  • Unlimited access to the Android system
  • Moving the application installation to external memory so that the internal memory is not easily filled
  • Can remove the default applications that are less critical vendors so they can save battery and speed up performance
  • Backup can perform application and system so that when you want to reinstall or reset the factory we do not need to look for, download again
  • Installation can change the display via a custom ROM
  • Could increase the ability of processors to perform overclock the processor so that the performance of Mobile widened faster\

The disadvantage has been root the device

  • Phone lost Warranty: All vendors say that android phones that have been at the root of the warranty period will be lost, it is because we have to root android phone me, we've been tinkering with the file system on an android phone so that vendors do not want to be responsible if there is damage to HP android that has been at the root. But do not worry, android phone is already at the root can really be returned in its original condition (unroot).  So android phone is still possible to get a warranty return.
  • Susceptible to Viruses and Malware: For this problem seems you should also know, and must remain vigilant to not recklessly install the program on your android phone,  and do not forget to install antivirus that you can install from google play as: avast, etc..
That is the meanings of Root android device and what Advantages And disadvantages to root your android device. I hope maybe useful.

17 Responses to "What is Root android device? What Advantages And disadvantages?"

  1. This process grants users the ability to make changes and How Invites Unblock modifications that are typically restricted by the device's manufacturer.
