Android Maximize Battery Life

Smartphone Android has many excellence and easiness can lure peoples in the world.
But, all of that always has negative impact. This is android smartphone has minimum battery life, we can see many user always use power bank or always search power electricty for charging their battery.

Although android has reached Kitkat Operaing System with has many excellence, but proflitegate of the battery still be a problem.
There are for you user android with Kitkat OS, i will give you tips about android maximize battery life :

maximize android battery life

1. Turn Off Fitur GPS
GPS has importance tools for knowing the location we are now. But in it's use can spend your battery energy much.
In Kitkat OS there are option to save fitur of GPS, we can enter to menu Setting - Location - Mode. in "Mode" will be consist "Baterry Saving" for saving battery enery.

2. Turn Off NFC
Function of NFC can make easy for user to transfer file, but because it is used seldom, it must turn off.
Enter to Menu Setting - More - NUFC then turn off

3. Decrease Use Google Now
Interesting fiture that is ordered by OS Kitkat is consist private asistant based sound namely Google Now.
But this fiture can make your batter energy over quicly. You can turn off this fiture by Enter to Menu Setting - Voice - and Turn Off Hotword Detection.

That's all about android maximize battery life. However you can do anything with smartphone although has short performance battery that can solve by 3 steps in above.

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